Chinese Zodiac 2022

The Chinese Zodiac is a classification scheme based on the lunar calendar that assigns an animal and its reputed attributes to each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle. 

Originating from China, the zodiac and its variations remain popular in many East Asian and Southeast Asian countries, such as Japan, South Korea, and Thailand.  


How is it different from Western Zodiac? 

The Chinese Zodiac is not to be confused with the Western Zodiac, which is also known as astrological signs or horoscope. One key difference is that the Chinese Zodiac twelve-part cycle corresponds to the year of birth, while the Western Zodiac corresponds to the month and date of birth.  

Also, the Chinese Zodiac is made up of twelve animals while the Western Zodiac is made up of twelve constellations. 


2022 Predictions 

Rat (Year of Birth- 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924) 

A little turbulence can be expected in professional life. Business trips will earn great profits this year. Do keep track of your savings and refrain from overspending. The year will be favourable for married couples and lovers. 


Ox (Years of Birth- 2021, 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925) 

The year will be favourable for the businessmen and lovers of this zodiac. You are advised to pay heed to your health, or it may cause severe issues in the long run. Take a break from your hectic schedule to go to a calm and quiet place with your loved ones. 


Tiger (Years of Birth- 2022, 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926) 

Tiger this year is ready to achieve all its goals. The love life will be passionate, while the tigers will prosper in the business sphere. The working professionals will receive appreciation for their hard work from their seniors. 

Rabbit (Years of Birth- 2023, 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927) 

You can expect stability in terms of business and money, allowing you to spend on things you love (but refrain from overspending too)! This year is favourable for new love and relationships.  


Dragon (Years of Birth- 2024, 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928) 

Personal relationships might be uncertain. However, this will be a period of positive changes. Do not forget to visit your doctor regularly for health check-ups and hit the gym! 


Snake (Years of Birth- 2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929) 

The career horoscope 2022 will bring positive changes to a few, while others may have to face hardships. Take good care of your health and listen to your body. 


Horse (Years of Birth- 2026, 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930) 

The year brings creative achievements and exciting love experiences. The hard work that you have been putting into your business will finally give you fruitful results. You are advised to pay heed to your health and not miss regular health check-up appointments. 

Goat (Years of Birth- 2027, 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931) 

A year of changes is predicted, but the nature of the changes depends upon the hard work and efforts in the past. You are advised to stay positive, and everything will fall into place. You can also expect a healthy year. 


Monkey (Years of Birth- 2028, 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932) 

You can expect positive professional changes and creative achievements. Health and finances should be consistent and flow smoothly with nothing unusual in store.  


Rooster (Years of Birth- 2028, 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932) 

This year will be filled with mixed results that are based on your past. Your nature of not taking risks will yield the same results as it has been for the past years. Your health should remain consistent if you maintain a healthy routine.  


Dog (Years of Birth- 2030, 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934) 

The year is favourable for the lovers of the Dog zodiac. There should be no drastic changes in the financial condition, and the finances should flow smoothly all year long. You are advised to refrain from taking excessive mental or physical stress, or it may cause some health concerns. 


Pig (Years of Birth- 2031, 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935) 

The year brings positive changes. The Chinese 2022 horoscope predicts a favourable time for businessmen and working professionals. Your love life can flourish only if you decide to let go of your curiosity and let your heart do the talking. Pay heed to your health this year, and do not miss your regular health check-up appointments. 



For those who are interested, here is the link to our previous blog about the Chinese Zodiac, and below is an interesting Chakra summary for all the stone lovers.  



Note: Predictions are found from various sources and may or may not be accurate. Product images are taken by Arthesdam Jewellery and shown products may be found in our retail stores, subjected to stock availability. 

